Please remember there is nothing in this world which we really need to fear. Nothing is designed in the Universe to harm us. One of the best ways to remove fear is to intentionally face and stand before those very things you fear denying mentally that they can do any harm to you, till such time when the fear is totally gone. The causes of your fear leap on you again and again untill you overcome fear. It is law thatthe more you fear a thing, the more it frightens you. However if you don't fear the opposite happens i.e. the fear will go away from you. Also bear in mind this great truth that actual mishappening is never that fearful and painful as our thought or imagination of that happening.
Further, also gain strength by the knowledge that nothing happens by Chance or by accident. For every happening there is reason. Hence, why the fear of anything suddenly happening to you. Just face each challenge of life boldly with positive outlook and firm faith in God who only can provide the real security to us.