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Monday, April 14, 2008


Once you have recognised your weaknesses, you have already taken the first step in removing them. There should be no hesitation in accepting your weakness before others and there should be no attempt to hide them because it is natural for all human beings to have some or the other weaknesses and to commit mistakes.
What is important is that after recognizing your weakness, you should start making efforts to eradicate it. This is what makes us humane and distinct from animal species.
If you feel that by knowing your weaknesses other people will think low of you, then, remember that it is always better to be recognised less than what you actually are because then you don't have to strain every time to prove yourself up to other people's expectations. Moreover, as explained earlier, it is your own views about yourself which are more important. Learn to see yourself with your own eyes and not from other's eyes.


Many people live a life style which is primarily aimed at impressing and satisfying others. They give more importance to what people think about them than what they about themselves. This is one of the main reasons for our frustrations in life. Please note that it is more important for you as to what you think about yourself than what others think. Your self analysis about you is much more important. Nobody knows you better than you yourself. Hence, don't get straightway carried away by the judgement or opinion of others about you whether it be your praise or criticism. Weigh them with your intellect and then accept only those remarks which you consider appropriate. Other people's judgement about you is not necessarily a correct one because it is according to their mental biases. Only an enlightened person who has remained very close to you can give a correct judgement about you.
Always be in your natural state with a simple and decent life style irrespective of what others think about you and don't try to artificially influence people.


When ever you feel disturbed or restless due to some sudden problems or some irrelevant remarks or comments by somebody, avoid reacting immediately or coming under sudden provocation. Allow some time to pass and refrain from doing or saying anything as long as disturbance persists in your mind. It is best if you temporarily avoid the person or situation whom you consider the cause of your disturbance. Preferably go away from and cool down yourself and then examine coolly all pros and cons. You are most likely to understand better about the real problem in this state of mind. Under provocation, the reasoning power of the mind gets destroyed.
Give clarifications to opeople of your innocence onl;y when asked for. Don't force your innocence on people. Your voice in reply should always be polite, respectful and controlled. You should never behave in an uncontrolled fashion and not resort to shouting while replying, however wrong blame or criticism has been done to you.