As physical exercise strengthen the body, concentration increases the strength of mind. Strong mind is not easily affected or disturbed by trials and tribulations of life. For improving concentration whatever activity we may be engaged in,we should try to be totally absorbed in it, however trivial it may be. At that time, except this activity the whole world should be dead for us. For example, even if we are eating a fruit at a moment, we should completely relish each morsel of fruit with our attention totally dedicated to it. If we are bathing , we should relish this activity fully, deriving maximum benefit from it by keeping our attention totally anchored to it. If you are reading a book, be totally absorbed in it for that time oblivious of any other thing. You should also learn to concentrate on uninteresting things also to develop real control of mind. Concentration in other words, means to learn to remain in the present moment which is the most desirable feature for success and happiness in life.
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