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Monday, August 18, 2008


No matter how many failures you gave undergone in achieving a task, still remain optimistic, about your success. Remember there is no force on earth or in heaven which can prevent you from achieving what you want to achieve provided you are determined for a right cause. The requirement is only a determined mind with firm faith in God.
Also remember that not even the slightest effort ever made by you goes in vain. This is the law of the nature. Various efforts, pains, discomforts borne by you now will definitely bring fruits later or sooner.
So even when things seem worst, don't quit and stick to the fight. You never know how close you are and you might succeed with another blow. The quotation: 'In your failure lies the secret of you success' has been very thoughtfully written. Success/Failure, Pleasure/Pain, Night/Day e.t.c. are the two faces of the same coin and one can't be separated from the other. So where there is one, another is bound to be there as per natural laws. There is no need to be upset on account of this.

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