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Monday, August 18, 2008


In all the works or things you do, have the attitude that it is God's work and you are doing it under His guidance as a servant. He is the actual doer. You are simply a medium or an instrument in His hands. After completion of the work, again surrender it to God with reverence and humility. Never develop ego that it is you who could do this work and so you now expect admiration and reward for this. Because it is a fact of life that you, on your own, can't really do anything unless supported by God because of so many uncertainties associated with everything.
Also eliminate the ego of name, fame, property, wealth, family e.t.c. because all these things are transient and will vanish some day. They have been given to you temporarily by the grace of God. Ego is a veil which doesn't allow you to come near to God. As soon as ego dissolves, you come face to face with God.

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